Category: Raspberry Pi

  • Developers use 750 Raspberry Pi boards as supercomputing testbed

    Great way to test parallel systems. Love the Pi! Via: Developers requiring a platform to test their scalable software for supercomputers now have an inexpensive solution. Designed and built by BitScope in collaboration with the Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory, this new platform relies on the popular Raspberry Pi 3 boards – 750 of them, to be exact…

  • Astro Cat: Raspberry Pi Telescope Controller

    Pretty full blown project for Raspberry Pi based telescope control Astro Cat: Raspberry Pi Telescope Controller When somebody tackles an engineering problem, there are two possible paths: they can throw together a quick and dirty fix that fits their needs (the classic “hack”, as it were), or they… Source:

  • Adding USB Ports to the Raspberry Pi Zero – Hackster’s Blog

    Very, very of the Raspberry Pi Zero. For $20 you get a full computer that runs a complete version of Linux.  Cool as! Short tutorial on adding “proper” USB ports to them.    Adding USB Ports to the Raspberry Pi Zero – Hackster’s Blog My one frustration with the Raspberry Pi Zero is the fact…

  • Build a facial recognition security device using a Raspberry Pi

    Cool little facial rec project using a Raspberry Pi.   Build a facial recognition security device using a #RaspberryPi, Windows #IoT Core & @Azure @Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi Neat project from Team IoT Geeks (Islam KHALIL and Radwan Ibrahim) up on This solution detects the visitor’s face and sees if he/she is the house owner…